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Endian Security Administrator Training


Endian System Administrator Training (ESAT) is dedicated to partners, technical and sales staff and users who want to approach the basics of Endian Technology. 

Course outline

Chapter 1: Intro to Endian
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Endian
Chapter 3: EndianOS Features
Chapter 4: System and Firewall
Chapter 5: VPN
Chapter 6: Proxies
Chapter 7: Admin and Disaster Recovery
Chapter 8: Hotspot


The ESAT course provides comprehensive training on all Endian features and allows you to get proficiencies in:

  • Endian Technology
  • Networking configuration
  • Internet uplinks
  • Web and email filtering systems
  • VPN technology
  • Logs and reports
  • Endian Hotspot solution

Key facts

  • Institution: Endian Srl 
  • Subject: Cybersecurity for IT and OT 
  • Level: Introductory 
  • Location: Online - Self Paced Mode
  • Target group: IT professionals, network administrators, anyone passionate about protecting digital assets and data privacy via Endian Systems
  • Language: English 
  • Video Transcript: English 
  • Duration: 8 hours (approx.)
  • Course cost: free


  • A basic understanding of IT concepts and networking fundamentals
  • Familiarity with filtering technologies (proxies etc.)
  • Basic knowledge of ISO/OSI and TCP/IP protocols 
  • Routing fundamentals


  • Become autonomous with Endian appliances basic installation and setup

At the end of this training the attendee can access the exam to get the ESAT Certification to become a Endian System Administrator (available asap)


  1. Intro to Endian: In this exploration, we will delve into three key aspects: our company, the key features of Endian products, and the Endian Secure Digital Platform.
  2. Getting Started with Endian: This section will guide you through the initial steps of using our product, from the unboxing and initial setup to getting your device up and running smoothly. We will then delve into the intricacies of the network architecture, offering valuable insights into its functioning. Finally, we will explore network configuration and wizards, simplifying the process of customizing your network to meet your specific requirements.
  3. Features overview: Learn more about EndianOS features course section, we look into the comprehensive capabilities of EndianOS, ranging from advanced networking to cybersecurity measures. 
  4. System and Firewall: In the 'System and Firewall' course section, we cover fundamental aspects of system administration and firewall management. This includes system configuration, access control, intrusion prevention, and effective firewall design, offering valuable knowledge and practical skills for network administrators and IT professionals looking to enhance digital infrastructure security and performance.
  5. VPN: We explore Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) in depth, covering their principles, and technologies. This course empowers learners, including IT professionals and business owners, with the expertise to effectively implement and manage VPNs for secure and convenient network connectivity.
  6. Proxies: In the 'Proxies and HTTPS' course section, we explore the fundamentals of network security and privacy, covering the workings and types of proxies, as well as the importance of HTTPS in securing web communications. This course empowers learners to enhance online privacy and cybersecurity through a deep understanding of these crucial components.
  7. Admin and Disaster Recovery: In the 'Admin and Disaster Recovery' course section, you'll learn network administration, disaster recovery planning, logs and monitoring, and backups. Gain insights into user management, system maintenance, and performance optimization, while also discovering how to protect digital assets and ensure network resilience through effective disaster recovery strategies.
  8. Hotspot: You'll be guided into the Endian UTM Hotspot feature to know how to setup your BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) network and provide quick and secure Internet access to your guests, customers and employees.
  9. Final Exam: Available Upon Request (Contact your Endian Team to get it!)
